Days till summer

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Absolute No-No's

When you go to a fast food restaurant, there are some rules of thumb you should know... so I will help you if you are incompetent enough to not know these....

1. DO NOT leave your big, fatty, diesel engine running while you are trying to tell me what your order is in the drive through.
2. And if you do, by chance, leave your engine on, DO NOT complain about how loud it is, or that I got your oder wrong. So not my fault.
3. DO NOT talk on your cell phone while you are trying to give me your order, it is rude and inconsiderate. Put down your damn cell phone for two seconds, it won't kill you, but I might.
4. DO NOT assume that just because you are in my drive, I only care about your order. I have many things to do on drive, and you, although you may be one of them, are not the only one. The world does not revolve around you.
5. When you eat in the lobby, DO NOT leave your shit everywhere for me to clean up. Although you may think part of my job is to bus your table, you should be responsible enough to clean up after your own damn self.
6. If I tell you I cannot hear you on the drive, DO NOT shout louder at me, this only makes things worse... I have my shotgun waiting.
7. If your order is not out in 5 minutes DO NOT freak out. It will come.
8. If the window of the drive is closed, DO NOT hold your money in your hand out the window, you will only be waiting longer... mostly because I am evil like that.
9. DO NOT be rude. No matter what you may be going through, know that I have to put up with about 500 customers a night, and I do not need any of them to be rude.
10. When I am reading your order back to you, DO NOT zone out and not listen.
11. And if you happen to do so, DO NOT complain to me about getting your order wrong, it is your own damn fault for not correcting me the first time.
12. DO NOT assume you are funny. Everything about fast food is far from amusing, including you.

That is all for now. I am sure I will think of something else later.


Blogger rebecca marie said...

okay, serious question here.... if you tell us you can't hear us.... how would you prefer us to correct this injustice if not by raising the volume of our voices? other than that, yes, i will gladly comply.

Thursday, May 12, 2005 2:55:00 PM  
Blogger Elk Hat said...

Just don't yell, that's all. You can raise your voice, but once I had this lady, who was like 60, whispering at the drive window... I told her three times that I couldn't hear her, and on the last time she yelled, and I kid you not, "P...E...P...S...I!!!" Just don't do something like that. I'm not deaf, it's just that the headsets suck... oh well... your little $2.99 change thing would be quite entertaining though... that would just make me laugh.

Thursday, May 12, 2005 6:42:00 PM  
Blogger rebecca marie said...

gooooood. next time i'm in ol' JC, i'll have Talon tell me who you are and where you work so i can do it to you!

(the change thing, not the yelling P E P S I thing, i'll save that for when you are on a break)

Saturday, May 14, 2005 3:30:00 PM  

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