Days till summer

Monday, May 16, 2005

Stories, stories, and more stories

I do not remember if I told you about my paper towel dispenser story, but here goes. So, on Friday night, I was at dance practice at Scandi Hall. My jeans were beginning to stick to me, so I decided to run out to my car and put different pants on. So, I ran to my car and back to the bathrooms. See, these bathrooms are quite peculiar... the very last stall is the biggest, but the handle of the door is right next to the wall, and there is a towel dispenser on the wall, that someone with bad depth perception, such as myself, might run into. So, here I am, running into the bathroom, singlemindedly, when I ran right into the towel dispenser. The next thing I know, I am laying on the floor, with sharp pains running through my head, to which I respond by saying "oh fuck" multiple times very loudly. My head feels kinda weird and I suspect that I am bleeding, but am hoping it is only a small bit. My friend, Becca, runs in and my other friend's mom comes out of one of the stalls, with a very disgusted look on her face. Crap, so much for being on good terms with her. Then Becca confirms my suspicion that I am bleeding, but she says it is only a little bit. The next thing out of her mouth is: "you are an idiot." Thanks Becca. I appreciate it, really I do. My head still hurts, but whatever, theres a funny story for you.

Here's another great story of me being injured. It's summer and I am at Camp Praise playing Bible smuggler's in the dark, full camo gear, you get the picture. After running through the forest for quite a while, I am sweating to the point that I might as well have jumped in a swimming pool, so I am tired. As I am walking down the path quietly, it occurs to me that someone is following me. I panic, because I don't want to get caught. I start to run, down the path, trying to get back to the lodge before I get caught. What I don't remember in my single minded determination, is that around the campfire, which I am currently approaching very quickly, there are benches. So, here I am, running in the dark, when all of the sudden my shins hit something very hard. I go flying into the air, landing on top of another bench. I am only about 500 feet from the lodge by now, so I pick myself up and book it to the lodge. Finally reaching my destination, it occurs to me that I am becoming quite weak in the knees. So, falling to the floor, I realize just how stupid that last minute and a half of my night was. I couldn't really walk for the rest of the night. But it was fun nonetheless.

So. Now, I have to be awake in about 5 and a half hours. How nice.


Blogger Kat said...

interesting accidents! hope you stay safe and in one piece.

fron all the way in East Asia,

Monday, May 16, 2005 1:59:00 AM  

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