Days till summer

Wednesday, September 07, 2005

National Debt

I forgot to metion in my previous post about the day that in Economics we talked about national debt. I found this very intriguing. I didn't know that the country wasn't in debt until WWII, which is an interesting topic in and of itself. You see, the country of course went into the Great Depression, and most historians believe that WWII is the reason we got out of the depression in the first place. What a way to get the country back on its feet... let's go to war! So after this short talk about the depression, Mrs. Bandow pulled up the national debt clock online which, as I speak reads:
Which, for those of you who don't do numbers is:
7 trillion, 949 billion, 753 million, 470 thousand, 913 dollars and 12 cents.
Captain obvious says: "That's a lot of money"
On the website for the debt clock it says that this is roughly $26,000 per person over the age of 18. Which is just a way of making the debt sound lesser. But Bandow was saying that it costs the country an estimated 2 billion dollars a day to be in Iraq. Two billion dollars people!!! I think it's worth reconsidering staying over in Iraq longer, seeing as how it's costing the tax payers of American tons of money just to do so. It's time for our country to worry about our country for a bit. Say, doing things like hurricane relief, and better planning for other natural disasters that are bound to happen in the future. Think about it.


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