Days till summer

Monday, December 19, 2005

Are you serious?

Ok... well... I thought I would share today's events, just because I am really freaking nervous right now. Today, I get to go record 3 more songs, which gives me a solid 5-song demo. I'm pretty stoked, but nervous about that...

On another note, I went shopping for my brother today. And let me say, before I even tell this part of the story, I really don't like driving my dad's truck, it's too big, and I'm not used to it. So I go to the mall, and park the truck. It took me all of 15 minutes to find what I needed, and then I was back at the truck. There's a note on the window of the driver's side that says "You fucker, learn how to park!" It made me laugh, but really, if I hadn't been driving my dad's truck, this wouldn't have happened. I don't think it was really all taht bad of a parking job, but I couldn't tell.

Although, I know how it feels to have those fat-ass trucks do a crappy parking job, so I can understand in some ways how this particular person might be angry, but the note was just unnecessary. Ah well, every situation is only as humiliating as you make it. So it was a good laugh at least, and makes me like driving my dad's truck even less. Oh well. I just thought I would share that with you all. Have a good day.


Blogger Katy said...

Haha! Oh man.. Getting a note like that would've upset me. Woo for Alexa!

Monday, December 19, 2005 9:35:00 PM  

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