Days till summer

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You know your computer is fast when...

So in the next month or so I'm getting a brand new computer. All of the parts are hand selected to be fast, and basically awesome. Because that's what I want. The computer itself is a great buy for the money, and I am really excited about it.

Along those lines, I was telling one of my friends about said computer and he proceeded to ask me if he could come over to my house when I get it and masturbate to it. Now that is a fast computer. Obviously I said no, but it's a funny joke nonetheless.

Apart from that, life is a little hectic right now. Our drama performance is on Friday and we are not even the slightest bit ready for it. I'm a little worried, not to mention, I have to leave early again from practice tonight to go to work.

Work is going well however, the tips are awesome, and all the people I work with are suprisingly nice compared to folks at DQ. Especially my manager. She is exceedingly awesome, and very patient with me, and always very respectful.

So far nothing really exciting has happened, apart from getting lost a couple of times, and being surounded by ironic situations. For instance: On multiple occasions, I have been passed, or passed, various other delivery cars from Abby's, Pizza hut, and occasionally Izzy's.

Also, last night I delivered to a guy in a mobile home park off of Danebo Av. (which I got lost trying to find), and found that he had a very large plasma TV in his mobile home along with a fairly awesome stereo. It was entertaining.

Anyways, I have to go. Hope everyone has a good day. Peace


Blogger Katy said...

Hey.. When are we going to hang out? I guess Sabrina's in the middle of planning a giant Penis/Boob party to happen the day before prom which will OBVIOUSLY be fantastic.

Oh... and the walking partner thing is a lot more complicated than I was expecting. I guess I'm already signed up to walk with Colin and I feel really bad about not walking with you. However, I was talking to Cody Zimmer and he needed somebody to walk with and I was thinking that maybe it'd be fantastic if we could coordinate it so that we'd be sitting together.. so either you walking behind or in front of us, since, well, the walking's only 4 minutes or so. I'm really, really sorry about it but hopefully we can sit next to each other, at least.

God, I suck!

Wednesday, April 19, 2006 3:49:00 PM  

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