Days till summer

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Up the ante

So, unfortunately, I am back on a sad note. I wanted to post something in regards to the shootings that occurred at Virginia Tech yesterday. I am having a hard time understanding, as I have with incidents such as this in the past, what would bring a person to walk into a building full of kids he does not know, and kill at random. I can't imagine what had to have been going through his mind to do such a thing. Yesterday was rough. I was in a funk all day because of what had happened. It's not that I'm scared or worried that something like this is going to happen at the U of O, it's a reality check. This could happen anywhere. What I would do in a situation like this is a mystery to me as well.... All I know is that showing support to the families and friends of the victims at VT is of the utmost importance. Wear your hokie colors today (Tuesday), show your support. Orange and Maroon. Today, we are all Hokies.


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