Days till summer

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Oh all the nostalgia in the world

I'm going on a date tonight. For the first time in two years. The last time I went on a date was when I took my then girlfriend out to dinner and a play for her birthday. It's just all so very hard. I know she doesn't care anymore. But I'm still stuck. I just keep playing these moments over and over in my head until it's like a broken record. And I know you are all so sick of hearing it, but I'm trying. And I want everyone to know that I'm trying. It's like running in water, it's so hard. I just need my friends, and as much as you hate hearing it, I miss her. So wish me luck tonight, that maybe I find a glimmer something, anything. Just as long as it's something else.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Lexi! It's the 25th so I'm gonna say hope you had a GREAT time on your date last night. I know I'm not the most avid reader you might have, but you know I'm here if you need to talk, right? Just keep hanging on. The hurt never truly goes away, or so I've found, it just goes to a dull ache so that you can ignore it most of the time...Though that probably doesn't help you much...::hugs:: Catch ya latter Lexi-cat!

Saturday, August 25, 2007 12:44:00 PM  

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