Days till summer

Monday, March 10, 2008

Wooo... last week of term.

So, this week is the last week of winter term, then next week is finals. I'm pretty happy with this idea because the only thing I really have to worry about this week is the Drag Show, which is Saturday night. I'm worried because I am the main emcee, and I still don't have a list of acts... oh my god. What am I going to say? Seriously, I can't stand up there and tell the "and then I found five dollar stories," because I'm pretty sure everyone will just get up and walk out. Bah. So, I'm nervous.

In other news, my fish have Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, otherwise known as "Ich" or "Ick." The bad news is, it's a common and fatal fish disease. The good news is, I might have caught it in time to save the majority of my fish. Grrr... I spent a lot of money on those fish... Here's what a more advanced case of the Ick looks like:

So, imagine my dismay when I come home from Junction City yesterday to discover that Spartacus (my Ram Cichlid) had these weird white specks all over him. After watching him for a minute, I discovered that all but my Cherry Barbs, my Hillstream Loach, and my Koi Angelfish had these spots as well. Confused and worried, I checked it out online, only to discover that these white spots were indeed the Ick. Damn. So, I'll be getting medication for my fish today (oh, that makes me giggle), and hopefully they will be better soon.


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