Days till summer

Sunday, June 29, 2008

A typewriter experience

So, I have a typewriter. And I decided that I wanted to share some of the stuff that has been on the pages (it's been in our dining room for a while, so everyone writes on it)

"Astrid is a wonderful cat. She is fat, and stuff. Her claws are kinda fucked, but we don't care, we lover her anyways. Though, she can be kinda a bitch. If you pet her for too long, or pet her too hard, she bites, and it hurts. Fuck you Astrid. I lied. I don't love Astrid, and I don't feel bad about it."

"The cactus looks like a spiky chode. A railed penis. A wanna be dick. I have eternally lost my erection- infinity is long and soft."

"I am out of paper. The end."

"Butt, in fact, lots of butts"

"Do you think Market of Choice sells guavas? I don't know what the fuck a guava is. Let's wikipedia it... It kinda looks like a lime. One kilogram is like... 2 pounds, right? That's a love of fuckin' guava."

"MY BOOBS ITCH SO BAD. I do not know why. Maybe excessive saliva deposits. Deposit saliva on my titties. The rash forms on my nipples, my areolas are inflamed."

"Mitchell, you lusty toed whore bag. I hope your balls shrivel into dust, into the wasteland sand of the desert."

"Daffy doody donald duck. Duck duckity doo-hickey"

God I love my roommates.


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