Days till summer

Thursday, May 24, 2007

Long time...

So, I know it's been a long time, sorry for my neglect. I've been pretty busy lately, what with school and work and summer and all. I am no longer going to Alaska, I got the job, but decided that the better choice would be for me to stay here, in good ol' Eugene. School is almost over, and time has been flying by, seriously. I'm pretty darn ready to be done with this year, it's been tiring, and I just want to relax.

I am going to be staying in the same house next year and over the summer, which is nice and doesn't cause me stress. I really hope that more of my friends come to see my house!!!! I miss all of my friends in JC a lot, they truly are the greatest people I know.

On a bit of a happier, more excited note.... PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN COMES OUT TONIGHT!!!! MIDNIGHT SHOWING!!!

Nothing else that is notable has really been occurring lately, I've been able to spend a little more time with Robby lately, which is nice, because I miss hanging out with him. I've also finished marathoning Grey's Anatomy... now I must pick something else. I have been neglecting Katamari as well... boo.

Well, hope you all have a fantastic day, I am off to Sociology... bah. Keep in touch. See some of you at dance on Friday, woot! Peace out.


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