A day in the life...
Alright. So, I'm addicted to Mountain Dew. So what? For the past two years I have had at least one 20 oz. bottle a day, if not two. But this weekend, I got sick. The only day that I had Mountain Dew was Sunday. Amazing, I know. For the rest of the weekend, I have drank a ridiculous amount of water, so why not just do it at school too. So today, I had only on 20 oz. bottle, and about 40 or so ounces of water. Not bad from having almost no water. So, here begins a journey. I WILL be off of Mountain Dew by the end of 2005. Wish me luck... I think I'll start another blog with my findings about Mountain Dew and my own personal journey... yes, that is what I will do.
mmm... caffine
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