Days till summer

Monday, October 10, 2005

Recurring dreams

So, I have been having certain recurring dreams lately... about graduation. I am graduating pretty soon, and as such, it shows up in my dreams quite a bit... 2 dreams of note:

The first dream was a week ago. We (the graduating class) were waiting behind the football stadium in these ridiculous poncho looking gowns, where the valedictorians were in white ponchos and everyone else was in maroon. Needless to say, we were all waiting for the football game to end so we could go through the graduation ceremony... at night. Whilst we were standing there, a friend of mine was making fun of me for not being a valedictorian. I, of course, shot back at them that it didn't matter... I was still smart anyways. And the dream ended.

The second dream was a bit different, and slightly more disturbing. We all showed up at the graduation ceremony, and we hadn't got our caps and gowns yet, so we went to the place to get the caps and gowns. Needless to say, they turned out to be pink felt... bright pink felt. So, whining and complaining we made our way to the stadium. We walked down this road that was lined with flowering trees... another weird twist, considering that there is no such road at the high school. But hey, it's a dream, so that works... Anyways, we got to the stadium and we all had to stand on these choir stand things, that just happened to be crowded with more flowering trees. All the while, the flowers are falling all over and the people in the stands are bawling their eyes out... Then, out of no where, these elves, or little giddy people came and told us to dance with them... so we skipped around in circles with these little elves... and the dream ended...

Sorry for taking so long to post!!!


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